
Which is best way taking sodium bicarbonate?

       There are controversial tactics when taking Sodium Bicarb.Some specialists prefer daily use and others acutely.McNaughton and his team discovered that daily use 6 days before competition is best way taking Sodium Bicarbonate than acutely.Morer trials also revealed that daily use increases muscle force and power output.Best  dose is 300mg/kg body weight in 1 lt of water 1-2 hours before competition.
Tip: Potassium Bicarbonate may be even better than sodium bicarb.More trials are needed

Is sodium bicarbonate essential in sports nutririon?

  Sodium Bicarbonate involves in pH regulation , release into the cellular space. pH regulation depends on PCr , so during high intensity anaerobic contractions PCr decreases dramatically and sodium bicarbonate is an essential supplement for weight lifters or small distances runners for improving recovery from short races where large muscle grpups are involved.
           Tip: Consumption of sodium bicarb may be useful for elite distance runners for delaying fatigue and improving bone and connective tissue eventhough ergogenic effect is not clear to exist.

Does taurine included in energy drinks improve sport performance?

    Many studies confirm that taurine availability decreases oxidative stress , increases GSH availability and increases glucose utilization.Also it has been shown to be involved in the regulation of core body temperature and prevent heat stroke.On the other hand a taurine supplement may not be useful , as a healthy body is full of taurine.

        Tip:Before an exhausted race , especially in high temperatures a 500 mg/kg supplement of taurine before meals , for a week should be consumed.