
Do caffeine supplements help me to loose weight?

   It is established that caffeine enhances lipolysis and thermogenesis by inhibiting a specific enzyme neseccary to allow HSL of breaking down triglycerides.Many supplements  contain caffeine in high doses , which has negative effects without increasing lipolysis.
       Tip:A regular cup of coffee(100 mg of caffeine) provides best lipolytic effect for you.Avoid coffee supplements with high doses of caffeine..They could be costly and with negative effects for your health.

Which is best lypolytic supplement for obese people?

 Although there are controversial results from many studies, it seems that the consumption of an average dose of CLA leads to body weight and body fat reduction and a turnover at lipid profile. Results are worse in humans than mice and perhaps this could be explained from the fact that high dosages are administrated on mice. Unfortunately high doses may have side effects on humans.
Tip: Consuming 5 gr of CLA daily may increase metabolic rate and fat utilization in obese and overweight people.

Should I load or not when taking creatine?

   There are studies with controversial outcomes if loading or not is a bst way when taking a creatine supplement. Therefore no study proved increased benefit of not loading protocol at exercise capacity.The vasr majority of studies indicate that best way is loading for at least 3-5 days and then take a maintaining dose.
Tip:Cycling on-off creatine supplements is useless

Are creatine supplements safe for health?

  Yes, they are safe. As creatine supplements are the most known supplements , many reports for health risks come to light.In this way it has been reported that renal stress, anterior compartment syndrome,muscle cramping,dehdration, gastrointestinal  and liver disorders may be side effects of creatine supplements.All of these reported side effects seems to be anecdotal as they are not evidence based.

Tip:Creatine supplement may lessen heart stress and reduce muscle injuries.

Are creatine supplements best absorbed when mixed with water or juice?

   Mixing creatine with water is a safe way for taking this supplement.Some people believe that mixing creatine with acid foods like juices or tea leads to reduction of creatine absorption.Undouptedly this is one more myth because cratine does not degrade at stomach and pH of stomach is much lower than anoter acid food.

Tip:Creatine supplement should be better mixed with juices but not with high amounts of coffee.

Which is best protein source for building muscles?

        Sorry vegeterians , but not animal protein is the worst one.Best protein is the protein which contains essentials amino-acids like leucine/isoleukine/Valine.If you would like to select a supplement choose a BCAA supplement and consume maximum 20 gr per day .On the other side if you hate supplements set a high amount of dairy products,pork or salmon in your diet.

   Tip: Before consuming BCAA products , keep in mind that you also should have consumed food sources containing adequate vitamine B6 .