
Which is best way taking sodium bicarbonate?

       There are controversial tactics when taking Sodium Bicarb.Some specialists prefer daily use and others acutely.McNaughton and his team discovered that daily use 6 days before competition is best way taking Sodium Bicarbonate than acutely.Morer trials also revealed that daily use increases muscle force and power output.Best  dose is 300mg/kg body weight in 1 lt of water 1-2 hours before competition.
Tip: Potassium Bicarbonate may be even better than sodium bicarb.More trials are needed

Is sodium bicarbonate essential in sports nutririon?

  Sodium Bicarbonate involves in pH regulation , release into the cellular space. pH regulation depends on PCr , so during high intensity anaerobic contractions PCr decreases dramatically and sodium bicarbonate is an essential supplement for weight lifters or small distances runners for improving recovery from short races where large muscle grpups are involved.
           Tip: Consumption of sodium bicarb may be useful for elite distance runners for delaying fatigue and improving bone and connective tissue eventhough ergogenic effect is not clear to exist.

Does taurine included in energy drinks improve sport performance?

    Many studies confirm that taurine availability decreases oxidative stress , increases GSH availability and increases glucose utilization.Also it has been shown to be involved in the regulation of core body temperature and prevent heat stroke.On the other hand a taurine supplement may not be useful , as a healthy body is full of taurine.

        Tip:Before an exhausted race , especially in high temperatures a 500 mg/kg supplement of taurine before meals , for a week should be consumed.

Do caffeine supplements help me to loose weight?

   It is established that caffeine enhances lipolysis and thermogenesis by inhibiting a specific enzyme neseccary to allow HSL of breaking down triglycerides.Many supplements  contain caffeine in high doses , which has negative effects without increasing lipolysis.
       Tip:A regular cup of coffee(100 mg of caffeine) provides best lipolytic effect for you.Avoid coffee supplements with high doses of caffeine..They could be costly and with negative effects for your health.

Which is best lypolytic supplement for obese people?

 Although there are controversial results from many studies, it seems that the consumption of an average dose of CLA leads to body weight and body fat reduction and a turnover at lipid profile. Results are worse in humans than mice and perhaps this could be explained from the fact that high dosages are administrated on mice. Unfortunately high doses may have side effects on humans.
Tip: Consuming 5 gr of CLA daily may increase metabolic rate and fat utilization in obese and overweight people.

Should I load or not when taking creatine?

   There are studies with controversial outcomes if loading or not is a bst way when taking a creatine supplement. Therefore no study proved increased benefit of not loading protocol at exercise capacity.The vasr majority of studies indicate that best way is loading for at least 3-5 days and then take a maintaining dose.
Tip:Cycling on-off creatine supplements is useless

Are creatine supplements safe for health?

  Yes, they are safe. As creatine supplements are the most known supplements , many reports for health risks come to light.In this way it has been reported that renal stress, anterior compartment syndrome,muscle cramping,dehdration, gastrointestinal  and liver disorders may be side effects of creatine supplements.All of these reported side effects seems to be anecdotal as they are not evidence based.

Tip:Creatine supplement may lessen heart stress and reduce muscle injuries.

Are creatine supplements best absorbed when mixed with water or juice?

   Mixing creatine with water is a safe way for taking this supplement.Some people believe that mixing creatine with acid foods like juices or tea leads to reduction of creatine absorption.Undouptedly this is one more myth because cratine does not degrade at stomach and pH of stomach is much lower than anoter acid food.

Tip:Creatine supplement should be better mixed with juices but not with high amounts of coffee.

Which is best protein source for building muscles?

        Sorry vegeterians , but not animal protein is the worst one.Best protein is the protein which contains essentials amino-acids like leucine/isoleukine/Valine.If you would like to select a supplement choose a BCAA supplement and consume maximum 20 gr per day .On the other side if you hate supplements set a high amount of dairy products,pork or salmon in your diet.

   Tip: Before consuming BCAA products , keep in mind that you also should have consumed food sources containing adequate vitamine B6 .

Are fat loss and health benefits related to the duration of exercise?

Undouptedly fat loss is not time depended.Fat loss depends mainly on the intensity of training session.On the other side health benefits are time and intensity depended.
  • Health benefits when exercising at  minimum 50% of your heart rate can be gained if your minimum frequency is 3 times per week/ 20 minutes each session.
  • Health benefits when exercising at even lower intensities like walking can be gained only if your minimum frequency is every day/ 30 minutes each session.

   Tip: Remember that recommended guidelines for most people for maximizing health profits are aerobic exercise 3-5 sessions/week , 40-60 minutes/session at 55-90% of heart rate maximum.

Is sleep associated with weight loss?

      Absolutely, yes.Lack of sleep is a factor that could  have a negative impact on weight loss.A lack of sleep can impair energy levels and affect the body 's ability to metabolize glucose and the levels of leptin and grehlin.In this way lack of sleep could adversely affect your diet and lead you to weight gain.
Best practises for perfect sleep for weight loss are:
  • Avoid emotional stress before sleeping
  • Avoid consuming caffeine, alcohol, nicotine before bed
  • Maintain a regular exercise program
  • Maintain a regular wake/sleep schedule

Tip: Keep in mind that 8-9 hours per night is the optimum for weight loss.

How speedy it should be a training session focusing on building muscles?

          Many people try to complete a muscle hypertrophy program in a specific time, usually too quickly.Truth is speed with which repetitions are performed  has almost no impact on the duration of a resistance training session. Pay more attention to complete sets and repetitions needed.
  •   Beginning lifters::slow and moderate repetition velocities for both strenght and muscle hypertrophy.
  •     Intermediate lifters:moderate velocities for strenght and slow -moderate for muscle hypertrophy.
  •     The speed that is used in all cases should provide a full control throughout the full range of motion .
    Tip:Rest periods between sets and exercises is very important. One to two minutes  rest period is recommended for training sessions focusing on muscle hypertrophy.

Which should be training duration to build muscles?

It is depended on which exactly is your goal when building your muscles.It is of great importance to have at least 1 exercise for  all major muscle groups. This means that you must do at least 8 different exercises and mix multi and single - joint exercises.Follow the guidelines presenting on the next table which are best for strenght/power resistance traininig phase:

Very high

Tip: Prefer single joint exercises if you are untrained or at an injury rehabilation stage.

What should I know for more accurate results at determunation of fat?

Before visiting a dietitian for having a more accurate determination of fat through BIA , follow next steps:

  • No alcohol 48 hours before
  • Not eating or drinking 4 hours before
  • No exerciseone day before
  • Measure in bare feet
  • Be well hydrated
  • Not being ill this day
  • Empty bladder 30 minutes before te test      

Tip: For even more accurate results prefer a diatician with DEXA.Its more expensive , but it worths if you are a professional athlete.

Is a micro-macro nutritient supplement needed during exercise for extra performance?

    Following a well-balanced diet , no extra supplement needed. But many athletes do not live an a perfect word. If you are an athlete focus on iron vitamin C and vitamin E intake:Iron intake is most important for better performance and anaemia is linked with poor performance.Vitamin C and E are antioxidants , and there are contoversial findings from many researches about their result at muscle membrane, although it can not be proved that have an ergogenic effect.

  • Vitamin C : tomatoes, citrus fruits
  • Vitamin E  : vegetable oils,nuts,fruits
  • Iron          :  At most meat products


 Tip:  Vitamins C and E should be taken always above the RDA. In Excess quantities they may act as prooxidant or cause toxicity issues.

Are herbal supplements really safe during pregnancy?

It is common belief that medical pills may be harmful during pregnancy.On the other side most pregnants believe that herbal supplements are safe to use , ase they are made from natural plants.The bad news are that herbal supplements are not highly controlled b FDA , reliable information about the product may be hard to find,Adittionaly many herbal supplements are proved to be unsafe.

Tip :If you mostly like using herbal supplements ,follow this link for being more safe,https://naturaldatabaseconsumer.therapeuticresearch.com/ecommerce/order.aspx?s=NDC&cs=apa

Do I need a micronutrient supplement during pregnancy?

       If you are a well-nourished woman, micronutrients do not have a significant effect on birthweight or gestational duration .On the other side in developing countries the consumption of multivitamins may be beneficial.It is of great importance for a pregnant to take iron in case of anaemia , follic acid one month before and for the first two to three months after conception, calcium intake for preeclampsia prevention in high-risk populations.Prefer choosing a balanced micronutrition supplement containing of iron 30mg, calcium 250mcg , folate at least o,6 mg and iodine 150 mg

          Tip:Avoid supplements with high concentration in vitamins.If you are living at certain regions at Africa or Asia an extra supplement of vitamin A may be subsribed from your doctor ,as well for zinc if you suffer from a disease related with zinc deficiency

Are all food and beverage containers made of safe materials?.

Unfortunately many plastic bottles containing water ,energy drinks , refresments or food contain harmful ingredients .The most known of them is BPA.The chemical that every plastic bottle contains is marked with a number ( usually at the bottom of the bottle).
  • Prefer bottles marked with numbers 1,2,4.5
  • Avoid reusing the same bottle
  • Bottles marked as BPA-FREE seems to be safier
  • Never use plastic products with hot fluids or hot food.
  • Do not use plastin products in the oven or microwave 

Tip: Remember that many refresments cans contain a plastic membrane.Prefer glass bottles.

Which is the best way to build muscles?


    Υou should absolutely spare enough time to build your muscles. Do not expect that going to a gym for a couple of weeks, will make you a bodybuilder contest winner.However, if you wish to build your muscles, you just have to follow the next steps.

              Tip: It is also crucial to choose the appropriate diet for this purpose.

Should I consume every kind of food during pregnancy for being healthy?

      Generally women who typically eat three meals daily consisting of several servings of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low fat dairy products, and a few sources of protein during pregnancy should be healthy. But there is some kind of food that a pregnant should avoid..

                                                                  The Pyramid of DONT 

Tip:Be cautious with good personal hygiene. Wash your hands frequently ,food preparation surfaces, cutting boards and dishes.